If you are a Rotarian, come and bring any friends who might make good members! If you are not a Rotarian, join us and find out about a fun social club you can join dedicated to local and international community service.
February 10th: Noon Lunch With Jody Wright of Tahoe Family Solutions at 948 Incline Way (RCC/Parasol). Jody Wright is a native Nevadan, an experienced leader in non-profit agencies, and the new Executive Director of Tahoe Family Solutions which has bilingual Family Resource Center programs that include affordable or free mental health and psychiatric care, Homework Help Club, beginning and advanced ESL classes for adults, and VITA, a national program that provides free preparation of federal and state tax returns for low-income households. In addition, youth programs reach across the community to provide a 5-week overnight summer wilderness camp, along with fun outdoor and STEM activities throughout the year.
February 17th: Dark for Presidents' Day National Holiday
February 24TH: Dark: Come to Joint Meeting February 27th
February 27th 6PM Joint Rotary Club Social with the Morning Club at Incline Bowl with a Mardi Gras Theme. $35 each, RSVP bgirouxdesign@gmail.com
March 3rd: Lauren Conniff, Board Member and Fundraising Chair of the Diamond Peak Ski Education Foundation (our local youth ski team). Originally from Maine, Lauren has lived in Incline Village for 15 years with her husband. They now have three children, 2 on the ski team and the third looking forward to it.
Thursday Night March 6th: Joint Incline Village Clubs music and speech contest at Incline High School Auditorium (We need volunteers contact Lu at lurn@me.com/or text 510-334-5343)
March 10th: Lunch TBD
March 13th: Rotary International Foundation Dinner 6pm Grandlibakken hosted by Rotary Club of TahoeIncline (morning club)
March 17th: Finnegan's Wake 5PM at the Club haus 1200 Altdorf Terrace: WEAR YOUR GREEN! BRING PLENTY OF FOOD AND DRINK TO SHARE! This is our annual St. Patrick's Day Happy hour and Dinner Social where we have an old-fashioned Irish Wake. Mrs. Finnegan (played by Judy Spees) has passed to the great beyond this year and let's see if our revelry can wake her!
March 24th: Lunch TBD
Thursday Night March 27th: Rotary District 5190 Area 3 music and speech contest at Incline High School Auditorium (We need volunteers!)
March 31st: Lunch with Spencer Cox from SOS Outreach-engages 250 Local Youths in mentorship, outdoor adventure and community service
When planning your holiday Parties or lunch/dinners out, please support our Rotary Club lunch providers:
Crosby’s Tavern (russell@Crosbyspub.com) 775-833-1030
Liesl Catering (lieslpanke@yahoo.com) 530-588-6463

VOLUNTEER MARCH 27TH FOR Area 3 Rotary Speech and Music Contest at IHS auditorium 5-9pm (or part of the evening). We need many volunteers (Judges, tellers, check in table, snack table, greeters) Contact is Lu 510-334-5343, lurn@me.com

➢ Get free training to put on your resume,
➢ Gain experience that can help with employment,
➢ Get information to help you with your own tax return,
➢ Work one-on-one with families,
➢ Help families get all of the tax credits and refunds they are entitled to, while saving money on fees, and
➢ Help our community by bringing in more dollars for the local economy.
For more information, or to sign up, contact: Tahoe Family Solutions at (775) 413-5145 or leslieb@tahoefamily.org.

a) What Charities our Club donates to?b) Club Public Relations?c) Youth - Interact, Rotary Youth Exchange or Music and Speech contests?d) Inviting New Members?e) Organizing "Fireside Chats" which are socials where we learn about Rotary?f) Vocational Service, which is honoring members or community members for their vocational service?g) Community service, which is finding or creating community service projects for our club members?h) International service like Polio Plus or other projects and the Rotary Foundation?i) Planning Social Activities like holiday socials?j) Planning the Veteran’s Luncheon?k) Greeting members and visitors at our meetings?l) Brainstorming and inviting great speakers for our meetings?m) Local Heroes Parade/Community Fair?n) Duck Drop (end of May to day after Labor Day)?
If you wish to be a speaker at our club, please contact Past President Lu atlurn@me.com